ProNotes app iconProNotes

Supercharged Apple Notes

ProNotes is an Apple Notes extension that makes your favourite note-taking app even more enjoyable to use.

macOS 13.0+.

Formatting Bar

ProNotes shows an easy-to-reach formatting bar above selected text. Change font size, bold, insert link, or create a checklist without dragging your mouse to the toolbar.

Write in Markdown

Format text in markdown by typing these at the start of a line:

# Space to create a title
## Space to create a heading
### Space to create a subheading
[] Space to create a checklist
``` Space to create a monostyled block
> Space to create a block quote

ProNotes builds on Apple Notes by allowing you to convert formatted lines to dashed or bulleted lists.
- Space to create a dashed list
* Space to create a bulleted list
1. Space to create a numbered list

Slash Commands

Use slash commands to add or modify content quickly:

/title or /h1 to create a title
/heading or /h2 to create a heading
/subheading or /h3 to create a subheading
/body to create a body
/monostyled or /code to create a monostyled block
/checklist to create a checklist
/bulletedlist to create a bulleted list
/dashedlist to create a dashed list
/numberedlist to create a numbered list
/quote or /blockquote to create a block quote
/table to insert a table


Insert repetitive snippets quickly using slash commands. Learn more about templates here.

Ask AI

Unleash the power of AI, right inside Apple Notes.
Work faster. Write better. Think bigger.

Continue Writing

Off to a good start? ProNotes AI can finish your sentence or paragraph.

Improve writing

A quick way to give your writing some pizzazz.


For when you just need to know what's important.

Fix spelling & grammar

Like a pocket Grammarly, right in Apple Notes.

Make shorter or longer

Keep it concise or flaunt your flowery language.

Custom prompt

You can prompt ProNotes AI with anything you want!

And more!

  • Copy note in markdown
  • Copy deeplink
  • Floating notes (WIP)
  • Vim (WIP)
  • Our Wall of Love

    Let's hear from users who love ProNotes.

    If you use Apple Notes a lot - this (free!) app/plugin for it makes it 1000% more useful and usable.

    Kudos to @dexterleng for adding some missing and much-needed features to Apple Notes. Great job!

    @dexterleng enhances my Notes workflow daily. Thank you for making such a seamless integration.

    ProNotes Gold

    Take your notes game to the next level.



    • Format bar
    • Markdown
    • Slash commands
    • Bi-directional links
    • Templates

    ProNotes Gold

    $7.99 / month

    • Ask AI - Use AI directly in Apple Notes
    • Everything in Free
    • Support my cold brew addiction
    • More features coming soon!

    What are you waiting for?

    ProNotes is free forever. Download it now!

    Questions & Answers

    If you have any other questions - please get in touch

    ProNotes app iconProNotes

    © 2024 Dexter Leng. All rights reserved.