ProNotes app iconProNotes

Supercharged Apple Notes

ProNotes is an Apple Notes extension that makes your favourite note-taking app even more enjoyable to use.

macOS 13.0+.

Formatting Bar

ProNotes shows an easy-to-reach formatting bar above selected text. Change font size, bold, insert link, or create a checklist without dragging your mouse to the toolbar.

Write in Markdown

Format text in markdown by typing these at the start of a line:

# Space to create a title
## Space to create a heading
### Space to create a subheading
[] Space to create a checklist
``` Space to create a monostyled block
> Space to create a block quote

ProNotes builds on Apple Notes by allowing you to convert formatted lines to dashed or bulleted lists.
- Space to create a dashed list
* Space to create a bulleted list
1. Space to create a numbered list

Slash Commands

Use slash commands to add or modify content quickly:

/title or /h1 to create a title
/heading or /h2 to create a heading
/subheading or /h3 to create a subheading
/body to create a body
/monostyled or /code to create a monostyled block
/checklist to create a checklist
/bulletedlist to create a bulleted list
/dashedlist to create a dashed list
/numberedlist to create a numbered list
/quote or /blockquote to create a block quote
/table to insert a table

Our Wall of Love

Let's hear from users who love ProNotes.

If you use Apple Notes a lot - this (free!) app/plugin for it makes it 1000% more useful and usable.

Kudos to @dexterleng for adding some missing and much-needed features to Apple Notes. Great job!

@dexterleng enhances my Notes workflow daily. Thank you for making such a seamless integration.

What are you waiting for?

ProNotes is completely free. Download it now!

ProNotes app iconProNotes

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